Easter 2023 Fundraiser

Two new systems — what’s the difference?

Both SD44 and the Cleveland PAC have incorporated new communication platforms this school year, but how are they different and what purpose does each serve? Think of them this way…

Sangha = School & District

FreshSchools = PAC & Class Reps

Sangha is used by the school district to deliver district and school-level notifications and alerts.

FreshSchools is used by the PAC and its committees, your class reps, fellow parents (and hopefully down the road by teachers and staff as well), to deliver class updates, PAC news, a customized school and class calendar, and fundraising info. We, as parents, don’t have access to deliver any communications via the Sangha system, so FreshSchools allows us the tools we need to organize and stay in touch.

We understand there will be a bit of a learning curve, but we’re very excited to deliver the FreshSchools system to Cleveland families this year, and we have even prepared some tutorial walk-through videos to help you learn the new platform.

If you have any questions, you can message the Web Help Committee directly through FreshSchools, or by email if you have troubles registering.