Cleveland Bike Week June 12-16

All students, parents and staff members are encouraged to ride their bikes to school during our 7th annual Cleveland Bike Week. When you ride to school, you’ll be met on the lower field by our Bike Week Volunteers who will assist you in parking your bike by your class division sign in a secured area for the day. Please note that the bike parking area will only be supervised until 3:15 pm each day. If you plan to leave your bike past 3:15, please bring a lock and secure it to the fence. Please label your bike with your name and phone number.
Ballots will be available on the lower field for those people who ride their bikes to school. This year, Cleveland will be sponsoring two bike-related charities: Bikes for Tykes, a local charity and Bikes for Humanity, a global charity. Ballots will be drawn each day and the winners get to choose which charity they would like to support by donating their CPAC token. CPAC has set aside $1000 in its Bike Week budget in order for students to make a difference in the lives of others. Parents who wish to make additional donations to our chosen charities can do so via the Munch-a-Lunch website.
Each morning, we will have Grade 7 Bike Week Crew members and handy parents on site to help you with small, unexpected mechanical issues. We highly recommend getting your child’s bike professionally serviced in the weeks prior to Bike Week. Obsession Bikes will be hosting a Cleveland Bike Week “Flash-Tune” event at their 1st and Lonsdale location on Saturday, June 10th from 10:00 – 2:00. Bikes will be “flash-tuned” by donation (recommended donation of $15 – $25 per bike) with all donations going to Bikes for Tykes local charity.
We recommend entering the lower field each morning from Mt. Crown, Loraine or Kendal. If you must drive your car that day, please park at Eldon Park and take the Hillcrest pathway to the field. If you are feeling full of energy and want to make the most of the week, park at Edgemont Village or a friend’s house and ride from there. In case of poor weather, ride anyway! Please note that there will be parking restrictions on Loraine, Ruby and Mt. Crown that week. Come early so you have time to fill out a ballot, park your bike and enjoy the community atmosphere.
On Monday, June 12th, we will be doing a “bike donation drive.” All donated children’s bikes will be forwarded to Bikes for Tykes, our local charity, and all teenager/adult-sized bikes will be given to Bikes for Humanity, our chosen global charity. We encourage Cleveland families to donate bikes that you, your children, your neighbours no longer use to these very worthwhile charities.
Every student from Grades K – 7 will have the opportunity to gain valuable cycling experience and knowledge from our friends at Escape Adventures. During class time, students will learn road safety, helmet fitting, bike handling and much more. In order to participate, students will be required to bring their bikes to school (training wheels OK, scooters NOT OK). Helmets are required for all students. The attached waiver must be signed and returned to your child’s classroom by Thursday, June 1st. If you would like your child to participate but he/she does not have a bicycle, please complete the waiver form anyway: the volunteers will try to arrange a loaner bike for your child for his/her session. This event will run rain or shine. The session times are as follows:
- Tues., June 13th: Students in Div. F04 & E04 and Div. F10 & F11
- Wed., June 14th: Students in Div. F02 & E02, Div. F03 & E03, Div. F05 & F06, and Div. E06, E07& E08
- Thurs., June 15th: Students in Div. F01 & E01, F07 & E05, Div F08 & F09 and Div. F12 & F13
Contact Mme Cusanelli at the school if you have any questions.
Thank you to all the volunteers who will ensure the success of our 7th Annual Cleveland Bike Week. We couldn’t do it without you. If you are available to help out with “bike parking” in the morning, “bike security” for an hour or two on one of the days, or “session helpers” during the in-class sessions, please sign up on our Bike Week Volunteer Sign-Up Poll at:
Thank you for your support! It takes a lot of people to ensure the success of an event this size!
Thank you also to all the community businesses that promote cycling and active living and generously support our event. Special thanks to two sponsors who have enthusiastically agreed to support our Cleveland Bike Week for the seventh consecutive year:
Obsession Bikes – Thank you to James for coming out each year and helping us to ensure that our bikes are “ready to roll.” We also thank James for his continuing support of our community through his “Bikes for Tykes” annual campaign. Each fall, Obsession Bikes collects donated bikes, tunes and overhauls the bikes and then makes them available for youth in our community through the North Shore Christmas Bureau. Thank you, Obsession Bikes!
Escape Adventures – Thank you to Tammy and her crew for providing us with the leaders and equipment to run our skills and safety sessions. Thank you for making biking so much fun!
As in past years, Cleveland Bike Week T-shirts will again be available for purchase through Munch-a-Lunch for $12 each. This year’s Bike Week logo, created by Cleveland student, Elias Nebel, will be featured on “athletic gray” T-shirts with navy blue printing. T-shirts are available in both youth and adult sizes. T-shirts will be available to order via MunchaLunch until midnight May 23rd. T-shirts will be distributed the week prior to Bike Week.
Each afternoon during Bike Week, our announcements will include bike safety tips as well as the names of the students chosen to make CPAC’s charitable donations for that day. On the first day of Bike Week, all students will attend an assembly featuring a slide show of all the Bike Week poster contest entries as well as presentations by representatives from Bikes for Tykes and Bikes for Humanity. There will also be a “Celebration Assembly” in the large gym on Friday afternoon showcasing photos from the week.
We hope that you and your family will participate in our Bike Week activities!
The Cleveland Bike Week Committee
Contact Mme Cusanelli at the school if you have any questions.