In this year’s PAC Fundraising Survey we had 127 respondents.

Since many of our families have multiple children at Cleveland, we’ve made the assumption that we’ve reached nearly half the student body. Thank you for participating!


The following are a few key takeaways from the survey:


><  With an average score of 3.15 out of 5, most people felt reasonably informed but admitted that they tended to rely on other parents for their information. We see this as an opportunity for future enhancement.


><  Email was the overwhelming preferred mode of communication.


><  Favorite fundraising initiatives were:
  • Hot Lunch
  • Kid Driven Initiatives (Photo cards, spirit wear, etc)
  • September Enrichment fund
  • Non-kid driven initiatives (Well Fed, Thrifty’s Smile Card, Spud, Cobbs, etc)
  • Parent only events (Gala)
  • Parent Only Events (Burger and a beer)
><  Top 3 Preferred fundraising Events
  • Parent/Child Events – Carnival
  • Parent/Child Events – Spring Fair
  • Parent/Child Events – Dance
><  Top 3 Preferred Fundraising NON Events
  • More hot lunches
  • Art related – photo cards
  • Art related – family photos
><  Spending Priorities in order from highest to lowest priority
  1. Teacher support – enrichment supplies, etc.
  2. Technology in school – laptops, etc.
  3. Healthy Cleveland/Outdoor spaces – courtyard and playground improvements
  4. Cultural Experiences – performances, field trips, etc.
  5. Healthy Cleveland/Environmental Engagement (Earth Month, outdoor education, edible garden project, etc.)
  6. Healthy Cleveland/Health and Wellness (Bike week, student/parent education)
  7. Music Programs
  8. Athletics
  9. Library Improvements
  10. Helping our broader community
><  Biggest deterrents to participating were busy lives and timing of events during work hours and lack of childcare.


><  Left to their own devices, (listed in order of preference highest to lowest) people would rather:
  1. Attend a kid/parent event – dance, carnival, etc.
  2.  Participate in multiple events/initiatives that kids are involved in
  3. Volunteer my time
  4. Write one check per year
  5. Attend a parent-only event

Thank you for your support and feedback!

Did you miss the opportunity to participate in the survey? Do you want to have your voice heard by PAC and contribute to the conversation surrounding PAC planning and initiatives?

We encourage parents to attend the monthly PAC meetings held on the last Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the Cleveland School library. We hope to see you there!